Sunday, January 8, 2017

Yo'Mo'In & rss vO - Young Modern India &Returned Son of the Soil, version Old and cotton mouth.

Young Modern India (Yo’Mo’In) paused in mid-saunter. No point in wasting a good saunter, a considered saunter, when the place was empty. Well, not empty, per, as it is said, se. There was a returned son of the soil, version Old, (rss vO) in earnest converse with an attentive bartender. Loathe to draw attention to himself, Yo’Mo’In scanned the bar for any other server capable of helping alleviate what was turning into an epic case of cotton mouth. Experience, that bitter, not to mention censorious, teacher, had taught Yo’Mo’In that the rss vO breed needed to be engaged, if at all, with caution, garrulous opining being only one of the dangers, most particularly when one is baked.
The place was empty in the sense that there was nobody from Yo’Mo’In’s demographic, which is to say, employed, disposable income and not living with Ma and Pa. Nobody, in a word, worthwhile.
One of the hazards of arriving too early to the party; lesson learned.
Yo’Mo’In, shrugged, and striding rather more purposefully, stationed himself a few barstools away from the duo. The bartender didn’t notice, his face turned away from Yo’Mo’In, his attention concentrated on what seemed to be a detailed, not to say persnickety, instruction on the architecture of the drink rss vO was ordering.
“Boss” said Yo’Mo’In, his tone a well considered mixture of authority, courtesy, and impatience; a tone well schooled in the methodology of reminding the serving classes of their place in the scheme of things.
Rss(vO) stopped in his instruction and gestured the bartender into complying.
“Whiskey, ‘fiddich, large, no ice, iced soda chaser “said Yo’Mo’In, his speech clipped and precise.
“I’m sorry sir, I didn’t get you” the bartender said, the ‘my bad’ etched into the silhouette of his servitude.
Yo’Mo’In took a deep breath, the Thar desert like condition of his mouth making it difficult to talk.
“I believe the gentleman would like a large Glenfiddich with iced soda on the side.” Rss said.
A crisp head bob and the bartender transformed from obsequious to efficient; the efficiency somewhat compromised by his inability to find the Glenfiddich.
Yo’Mo’In sighed and switching to the vernacular and pointed.
“Alli” he said, “ah red label batli pakka dalli” – There, right next to the bottle with the red label.
Speech, authoritative speech, Yo’Mo’In realized, required a fair degree of moisture, very much in short supply in the mouth. His mouth needed moisture, as in, now. Perhaps he should have led with a request for a glass of water.
The bartender interrupted his hunt for the Glenfiddich and started looking for a red label which, it must be said, is easier to pronounce, and spell. Things were not going well. Any red labels extant seemed to be hidden in the multi-hued, seductively shaped bottles of high end spirits management had seen fit to store on the topmost shelf. The bartender wished he could ease the crick he was starting to get in his neck.
Yo’Mo’In wished he hadn’t thought about water, a glass of which was visible to his peripheral vision; just sitting there, unattended, unconsidered, a slap in the faces of all gods of all oases everywhere, beads of condensation making their sensuous ways done the glass, ice cubes that would no doubt tinkle when the glass was raised, as it should be, not just left there, while a veritable sirocco of sand storm...
The glass was moving closer to Yo’Mo’In and it took a moment for him to realise that rss vO was sliding it towards him.
“Water” rss vO was saying, “soaks that cotton up to much greater effect than does scotch or any other alcohol for that matter. Trust me on this”

 I knew it, Yo’Mo’In thought, trying not to spill any of water as he raised the glass, garrulous opinions.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Sex in India...cont. (Wherein further conclusions are reached)

                Conclusion 1 – First time sex requires an appropriate amount of sidle and when it happens must appear almost accidental. The direct approach, irrespective of reciprocity of interest, will be met with affront and a fair degree of thoo in the body language.
                There are, I’m sure, a myriad reasons, just as I am sure that they all boil down to the notion that post menopausal women ought not to get horny unless, of course, they are those kinds of women, nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
Conclusion 2 – The door to the room in which the successful sidle is being celebrated must be closed and if latches can be locked, make it so. Caveat – It is the responsibility of the sidle-r to make the locking, qua lock, as natural as possible while ensuring the sidle-e awareness of the fastness; an accident, if you will. Failure to pay attention to this detail can lead to, (you should pardon the expression), hard won rigidities and rhythms, interrupted, sometimes irretrievably, while she goes and double checks.
                I believe this to be an artefact of the tradition of a multigenerational, large family, single dwelling culture. The fact that I am a single man living in a secure apartment with no one in the place ‘cept you’n’me, baby, seems to be of no relevance.

Conclusion 3 – Nope, have to stop here. Much too depressing...and, actually, I'm not at all sure my conclusions are all that valid. After all, it could be that I've been looking for love in the wrong places.
Back to research.