Monday, September 14, 2015

Free Thinking

So, here’s me, a member in moderator-approved standing, of an internet association of free thinkers, yclept Bengaluru FreeThinkers, thinking, in a reasonably orderly fashion, about that name. And that’s when I start to get confused.
I should probably explain.
See, the word free, and its various avatars, has for me anyway, implications of anarchic, chaotic carelessness; the antithesis of rationality which, much like this sentence, requires a degree of control and containment.
Now, the Bengaluru FreeThinkers, (BFTs), as educated, sophisticated, and articulate, as rational a group as one could hope for, has, quite rightly, taken up the matter of the spate of ideologically motivated crimes and misdemeanors targeting comment and critique of cultural sentiments in India. Any attempts to stifle contrary opinions are given a respectful hearing and refutation, if called for, is stated in measured, quite often grammatically comprehensible terms; all in all, a rational group. I am but a foot soldier in that army. However, and in the time, and battle, honored tradition of the soldier, the grunt, I have a cavil. No, it’s actually more of a bitch, bordering on a moan.
And it is this.
The folks using sharp objects and projectile weapons to object to the opinions of other folks, are doing so because their sentiments, and I’m quoting here, have been hurt. Put another way they are reacting to an external stimulus with snake-brain logic, choosing fight rather than flight to a perceived threat. The actions and methodologies of that reaction are not, or at least seem not be, susceptible to any sort of higher order thinking. Higher order thinking, the kind that imposes reason and regulation on the process, would show that the control of sentiment and its sensitivities is necessary in any social structure with pretensions of equity and fairness in its governance. In short, the snake brain is being given the freedom of its simplistic, no grey scale differentiations, choices. Thinking, such as it might be, is predicated on that heady, adrenaline pumping impulse to fight. Free at last, great god a’mighty, free at last. Bunches and bunches of free thinking happening. Rationality and its needs are given short shrift. Blood is spilled. Free thinking.

See where I’m going with this?

Thursday, May 21, 2015

question - Do we Indians take offence too easily?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

How to be Indian

I’ve been doing the BJP, the Sangh Parivar, The RSS, and the VHP, the entire saffron hued crew, an injustice. I mean, there I was thinking that Conservative India, ConIndia, (for brevity), (I swear), didn’t care about the likes of me and my fellow travelers, oh, call us Modern India, (Mo’India), ( ‘cuz... you know).
Turns out They, ConIndia, care so much about me, and mine, that they have gone to the trouble of codifying the3 millennia of human experience and curiosity that is the heritage of this sub-continent into sound-bite capsules of the rules of How To Be Indian; a soon-to-be Constitutional Amendment. Wasn’t that thought...consid... nice, there, that’s the ticket, wasn’t that nice of them? I mean, that’s a whole lot of pondering and cogitating, a whole lot of mustache sucking, logic bending, and thought mastication. Okay, not much ratiocinating, but hey, who needs logic when near divinity is sufficient to recognize the truth that is so evident.   Although, and I have this on good authority, (it came in a Saffron envelope and on trident water marked stationary, snail mail, of course), that the near divinity business is being re-assessed at the highest level and in close consultation with the Divine (in camera, no minutes). We can, I’m informed, expect a pronouncement on a cabinet re-shuffle that may reassign hitherto Divine capabilities, any day now.  I am further informed that although the Rules suggest near divinity to all life forms, it has been Decided that Some are more near than others, and that they, ConIndia, number among themselves Very High Persons who can be presumed to be adjacent to the Divine Spirit (DS) and hence unquestionable. The Official Notification ends with the, I’m assuming rhetorical, question, asking if we, Mo’India, cannot trust said VHPs, well then what would be the point?
I’m assuming the question is rhetorical because ConIndia is on record as not liking it, at all, when their, I beg pardon, Their, pronouncements are, um, wondered about. They get quite miffed and start breathing heavily; hot air emanates from Their Olympian, just-across-the-street-from-The-Divine-Abode nostrils and is a major contributing factor to global warming.  Hence my assumption – a small, one might even say servile, attempt to reduce my carbon foot print; and not, in any way, an attempt to criticize the VHP or Their raison d’être.
I mean, look what happened when Ms. De, a columnist and commentator, used her allotment of 140 characters to question the validity of a ConIndia propagated ordinance in the State of Maharashtra. This ConIndia ruled state does so in partnership with the Shiv Sena, Cultural Guardians and particularly close neighbors to the Divine Abode, who took umbrage at an electronic remark made by the unabashedly opinionated Ms. De’s that could, if one were terminally Sensitive, construed to be an insult. Said umbrage led to heavy breathing in front of Ms. De’s thankfully fortified abode, (n.b. lc). The resultant localized rise in atmospheric pressure(s) led to documented and Officially Noted unseasonable, crop damaging, rains and hail in parts of India that thought the Shiv Sena were being a little silly. If that wasn’t a Divine warning, what was it? Needless to say any caviling about ConIndia interpretations of how to be Indian have ceased and any laws and regulations promulgated on those interpretations stand and no back talk.
Just sayin’.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Amaryllis, My Jeans

ed a pair of jeans the other day. It was a melancholy day. Those jeans had been with me for a long while; old friends, us, the jeans and me. We had built up a relationship with each other, over the years. The inside of those jeans had intimate, – not excluding body fluids and ejections – caring, acquaintance, of the outside of me, from waist to ankle. I shall miss my Amaryllis, my jeans.
But, I am not here to bury Amaryllis, but to praise her.
And yes, it has to be ‘her’, she, decidedly, emphatically, almost but not quite, homophobic-ly, female. I mean, given the amount of in ‘n’ out we have indulged in over the years it couldn’t be otherwise; not to mention the aforementioned body fluids. I mean, I’d feel silly saying things like – ‘Just a minute. Lemme just climb into Albert or Bob, or Charlie’. Although, that last, that, could come in handy if the jeans serve best by remaining in the closet. Climbing into Amaryllis however, increases my street cred.
But, I digress from my avowed purpose, which some of you might find odd. I mean, who does that? Eulogize a pair of jeans?
I do, that’s who.
Amaryllis, my jeans, in all her, de Nime-ness gave the only unconditional love I have ever received. Now, before you jump to unwarranted conclusions, let me set the record straight. I have, and have had, the usual complement of family, lovers, wives, children, pets, friends and enemies in my life. And, they have all loved, (for a given value of love, of one kind or the other), me. But none of that love was unconditional. And, I can prove it. Wipe clean your greasy, dirty, just-wrestled-with-a-rusted-on-bolt hands, on any of the above mentioned. Go ahead. I’ll wait. Didn’t work out all that well, did it? And there you are; conditional love. ‘I love you dear but not if you wipe that filth on me.’ Amaryllis never, ever, said that to me. Not once, and, there have been over the years many occasions when she could have, and she didn’t. Grease, mud, dog snot, infant incontinence, inebriated incontinence, you name it, and none of it mattered to her; I asked, she gave.
To my shame, I didn’t always treat Amaryllis well. I have, regrettably, put her away, hard used, un-brushed, and wet, and not given it another thought and yet, I asked and she gave. I have, unforgivably, lost, misplaced, her. Investigation showed, but could not prove, that others, (significant or otherwise), conspired with minor (but not insignificant – see infant incontinence) others to kidnap, from her usual crumbled abode in the corner of my closet, and banish Amaryllis to durance vile in the attic. The conspirators had assumed that I know, out of sight therefore mind, sort of thing. But, my sin lies in not having noticed her absence for the 6 long months of her incarceration.
 Her acceptance of me; from the first moment her parts opened to receive mine to the subsequent cradling of essential, precious, some might say defining, parts of me, she accepted me. Certainly there was a period of adjustment when she was new, but that is to be expected. Any relationship, in its nascent stages, has to undergo a period, sometimes more than one, of adjustment and accommodation, insult and remedy. That’s called growth. Unlike others I could name – but choose not to, discretion, valor, and all that - Amaryllis grew with due regard for me and my needs. Her knees stretched just enough to make it unnecessary for me to indulge in that utterly self-conscious hitch of the trouser legs prior to sitting.
I could go on.

I must grieve.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Marital Modifications

Okay then, my name is, as you may have guessed, Undertoad, D Undertoad and I’m from San Diego which is in the southwest corner of Southern California, for the geographically challenged among you, just before the geography turns into Mexico. I’m neither tall nor blonde, and, to make matters considerably more confusing, I enunciate my consonants, fer sure, fer sure.
I used to be tall and blond. 6’4” of blond surfer flesh; riding the waves, flipping forelocks and all.
I am not now tall and not blond and not in San Diego
The tale of why I look the way I do and where I am is a sad one.
At least, I think so.
You might not.
I look the way I do now, because my wife… my ex-wife, had me altered. Tall blondness, she explained, later, after I came out of the anesthesia; she said tall and blond did not match her curtains, her bed spreads, the décor of ‘our’ (hah)  house. Turns out, her plastic surgeon was cheaper than getting the house re-done, or some such. I wasn’t really listening. All I know is that I had fallen asleep on the way to her plastic surgeon’s office – she’d said something about needing her super-structure tweaked and wanted me to accompany her – and dutiful husband that I am …was...  I did. Anyway, I fell asleep in the car. (Now that I think about it, that sandwich had tasted kinda funny.)  and when I woke, there I was, a bespoke, long haired leaping gnome, lean, mean and no-need for sunscreen; albeit quite  a bit shorter than I used to be. It seems She-whose voice-is-all-terrible. all 4’10” of her, had decreed that my 6’4” tallness was playing hob with her neck, all that craning upwards to glare at me was keeping her chiropractor in the high tax brackets. I’m not entirely sure how she convinced the surgeon to breach all medical ethics and…oh, wait… tweaked…superstructure damn, I thought that meant minor surgical procedure… and, as I now recall, the interior decorator had been gay. (Oh man, I wish I’d figured that out earlier, the divorce wouldn’t have been nearly as expensive.) Anyway...I don’t fully understand that neck strain business. I mean, I seem to remember spending most of my married life on my knees, especially when I was with She-who-must-be-obeyed. Oh okay, I kinda liked the dog collar and leather bra/thong outfit that she insisted I wear. but still…   And, I have to admit that the bed spread did look much better with me on it; my naked self, my brown, uptown, rampant self, in stunningly ginormous contrast to the pastels and delicate shapes that are, by state law, part of décor palette of the SoCal suburban housewi…domestic engineer. In Re: ginormous. I’m not entirely sure, my memory is a bit hazy on the issue, but, I think that some of my previous height, and girth, had been used to add some length and substance to parts of me I don’t recall being as fat or as long, or as dark. A pre-operative pink smallness is what I seem to remember. I imagine the present pigmentation was part of the overall process – where was I? Oh yes, naked rampant dark glory, which was in magnificent...that really is the only word... contrast to pastels...delicate SoCal shapes... Although, now that I think on it, I probably shouldn’t have had those photographs taken… turns out, photographs of rampant dark glories, no matter how aesthetically pleasing, can be used as evidence of moral turpitude in divorce proceedings. How was I to know that She, the devil’s advisor, would subpoena Uncle Ed of Uncle Ed’s Exotic Photography and Escort Service, who testified that I had paid the extra charge to have, Trixie, the photographer and her two lighting assistants, Bubbles and Candi, with an ‘I’ to be, um, dishabille, nude, sans clothing, naked.. (reverie) Hey! The guy at Uncle Ed’s assured me that that is how all the great models, the super models, did it, it’s called mood setting, among the pros.. I wanted the photos to be a tribute to what’s-her-name’s artistic eye. I mean, she’s the one who noticed the lean, mean, motoring machine that you see in front of you, under all those layers of tall blond SoCal-ness. I wanted her to know, in unequivocal terms, that she was right, dark chocolate is where it is at, much tastier.
Okay, all right, I’m kidding … there was only one assistant. Candi and she was a specialist lighting tech. For one thing she didn’t have any lights. As it was explained to me, she used the natural lighting to arrange the subject to best affect. She was good at her job too. I mean, when she was adjusting bits and pieces of me...that touch...soft...delicate...educated. Hey, she was just doing her job, ok? And I think it was unfair that stained bedcovers can be used as evidence. Okay, it was a large, one might even say copious, stain, but it would have dried soon enough.

Okay. None of that is true; except for the ginormous part. As we all know, what men are born with is what we have to live, and love, with. This might be a matter of some regret for some of us. Good night and thank you for listening.