Thursday, August 22, 2019

Cheech & Chong

Cheech and Chong, recreational marijuana user icons, have a page that shows up on my FB wall with a regularity that is puzzling. I'm told such happens because I have subscribed to the page. I do not remember having done so, but then, y'know...blush.
But that's not the reason this was started. The thing that precipitated this particular, um, status report, is grammar. Well, not grammar, per se, more like the shining of it by Cheech and Chong. Not even that so much, actually.
Okay, here's the thing. I am not exactly shy. or silent, in my cavils about the dissonances of poor grammar. More not silent when those dissonances are on my FB wall,  quite often in bold and upper case lettering. I use that as a sort of mental emesis, a ridding the self of toxins and contamination. But, not when Cheech and Chong err. They, and I'm assuming that the page is a collaborative effort, split infinitives, misuse collectives, ignore punctuation, and generally ignore the niceties of literate communication with nary a peep out of me.
I got to wondering about that and to aid the process lit up a smoke. Clarity ensued, the purple haze notwithstanding. [Yes, I know Hendrix said it was love, but, y'know he was probably stoned and trying for PC when he said it.] So, anyway clarity..yeah...okay, wait... I have to exhale. 'S, like this, y'know, ahmean, what's an apostrophe or two among friends. After all, whats grammer, a chimera of existance lurking in th shadows of unnerstandin.