Friday, June 21, 2013


Man, i wish we could get religion out of India's governance. Governance anywhere, actually. [If i could run things, i'd make religion join the list of private acts between consenting adults extant. If religion becomes a matter of conscious choice there may be less of the wretched excess that passes for worship. Not that the wretched excess would stop, but it would become less public. The moans, groans, and exhortations of religious ecstasy would be relegated to designated locales with Public Decency Laws keeping them indoors. Think of it as a sort of a purdah for the soul.] Where was i? Oh yes, religion, governance, India. The thing is, India hasn't yet gotten over her feudal mindset. No. Wait. That's a lazy thought. Most of India is now under the age of thirty-five and not particularly impressed by their elders and their shenanigans. Except when it comes to the religion. Indian youth don't seem to have made the differentiation between god and religion. Throw governance into the mix and...and... what you get is an unholy mess is what. I was going somewhere with this but i'll be damned if ...actually, now i remember. 
It has to do with this story i read, update notwithstanding.([]

Turns out religion, that is to say, Religion, is becoming necessary in that Citadel of Separation of Church and State. And now that i think about it at greater length, i should have more faith in Youngistan and their ability to separate the governance from religion. Especially since the religious governors of India are the ones insisting that early closing hours and modest attire are the pathways to progress and peace. Naaah, the kids will never buy it.

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