Monday, May 26, 2014

This has been an itch in my brain for a while now and i guess this is as good a place as any to scratch that itch.  Here goes.
I’m thinking that India will be a much better place if we stop referring to the police forces as law enforcement agencies. The police, a peace keeping force, cannot be enforcers of the law in a system that presumes innocence and places the burden of proof of guilt on the State. The sole function of a policing agency is to take the ACCUSED breakers of the Peace to a place of Judgment. Law enforcement happens only after that judgment. Enforcement of any Law needs the imprimatur of a Reasoned Judgment. Anything other sounds, and is, like jackboots and armored fists on village doors.
Neuro-linguistic programming is a thing. Look it up if you want to. Telling a child something is hard rather than difficult, has a cognitive affect on maturation. Telling a peace keeper that he is an enforcer leads to the Napoleonic Code with its concomitant shift in the burden of proof. Vide: Iran, any number of African ‘Governments', and increasingly, the 'United' States of America.

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