Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Sex in India

Being a sexually active, (for a given value of active), male of reasonable stamina and density,  7 decades of experience, is, it pains me to say, a bit on the meh side of the ledger. That is to say, satisfying but in a been-there done-that, job done, pass me the towel please, sort of way. Pleasant enough, but...
See, here’s the thing, most of the aforementioned 7 decades of life have been spent outside of India, (my present domicile), in more socially uninhibited Hendrixian environs. Environs that allowed for non-judgmental honesty in which likes and dislikes could be explored, or at the least considered, especially if there was any sort of nice-nice bumping going on. Rather more rule oriented, India seems to be.
Scholarly caution forces me to add that the data (India) gathered for this study were limited to my age demographic, er, spread, to include a cross section of the class and economic mass. Any attempts to broaden the age data base have been met with polite and insultingly judgmental disbelief. However, hope, among other things, quite often involuntarily, springs.
But, I digress. And it might happen again, given the philosophical nebulosity that characterizes meh and attempts to quantify it. Pity, but what to do? It is like that only.
Anyway, as I started to say, my explorations have led to some conclusions, which, I hasten to add, are subject to modification and if necessary, and I’m afraid it probably will be, physical proof of assertions and contradictions.
                Conclusion 1 – First time sex requires an appropriate amount of sidle and when it happens must appear almost accidental. The direct approach, irrespective of reciprocity of interest, will be met with affront and a fair degree of thoo in the body language.
                There are, I’m sure, a myriad reasons, just as I am sure that they all boil down to the notion that post menopausal women ought not to get horny unless, of course, they are those kinds of women, nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

Ooopsie, word count limit,  TBC, I guess...

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