Tuesday, June 6, 2017

"That Ar****le in the White House"

Found myself thinking about words and how they are used and affects and such.
“Don’t be such a dick” we admonish each other; “that chutiya...” we say dismissively; “that asshole in the White House” we say, as though we are blameless.
Body parts, essential, fiercely protected, often times cherished, body parts, used to denigrate and degrade; that makes no sense.
Take my dick -- dear heavens, I’m channelling Henny Youngman and will now stop – as an example. I am, needless to say, quite attached to him. Our life long association has proven to be of mutual benefit and the occasional benediction. Oh, there have been moments of conflict, the odd involuntary spasm in our relationship, even the blessedly rare moment of incontinence, but, and I say this with some feeling, my dick and I have been happy with each other and have had no irreconcilable conflicts with the public at large.
Which is why I feel guilty when, giving into social norms and usage, I denigrate the behavior of a loutish Other as dickish. Dickish behavior, in a bottom line sort of way, is more descriptive of the release of internal pressures, the controlled release of Nature mandated imperatives; vide: bathrooms, courtship rituals, et.al; more to be applauded than reviled. To ignore that aspect of my dick is to do him and his brothers, (and sisters, of course, it’s just that I can’t be quite as authoritative...ah you know what I mean), a disservice and I shall watch myself closely.
“What a pussy” I’ve heard said, in describing timidly behavior. And that just ain’t right. Pussy, and this is a data based conclusion, is anything but timid. Shy and retiring perhaps, but that is not be misconstrued as timidity. When aroused, pussy can be a transfixing power that demands, in the most wonderfully pinkish kind of way, one’s rigid attention. An attention that can be enforced by her should she choose to, vide, Kegel.

Asshole as a pejorative makes even less sense. My personal asshole, whose name is none of your business, is a cooperative orifice, in close touch with an essential service to my internal systems and society as a wh..., as an entity. Does that sound like Donald Trump to you?

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