Monday, June 9, 2014

just sayin'

is an internet accessible video clip of an enraged bull leaping the fence of his
enclosure and landing among those gathered to watch that bull being taunted and
eventually killed by a costumed bull fighter.
understandable, but not a fully thought out reaction, that.
can sympathize with a life force that decides that it is not going to take it
anymore; that it was time that he, the bull, did something to rid himself of
the circumstances that had him in the middle of a ring being poked, prodded and
other wise annoyed by folks in elaborate costumes. Aside from the physical
discomfort, all that poking was distracting him, the bull, from his task of
teaching some manners to the foppishly dressed young person waving a cape and
taunting him. Stopping to catch his breath, he, the bull, probably noticed that
his armed antagonist, the fop, was being encouraged by whole bunches of
two-legs gathered behind the safety of a barrier. Insult upon injury. Direct
action must have seemed like a good idea, at the time. He, the bull, with a
prodigious effort, cleared the barrier and landed, all two tons of enraged bull
flesh, on the risers where bull fighting aficionados had gathered and were now
departing, as rapidly as they could; which was rapid indeed, two-legs negotiating
the stepped amphitheatre with efficiency and ease.
so much for the bull.
poor frustrated fellow, found the height and width of the risers ill-suited for
four-legs, no matter how enraged, leaving him, flanks heaving, a stationary
crowd, having retreated to a safe perimeter, watched his frustration with
arrogant mockery.
don’t know how it all ended, ‘cuz I stopped watching. I’m hoping he was
humanely captured and then retired to stud.

it is my purple-hazed perceptions, but, the whole thing reminded me of Mr.
Kejriwal’s foray into politics and governance. 

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