Thursday, September 25, 2014

Navratri and Love Jihad

HinduismR-the Religion,[as differentiated from hinduismp-the philosophy], is saying, and doing, some ugly things.
For starters, HinduismR, is starting to show signs of becoming, Official.
HinduismR has begun to wa… stride the corridors of power. Law makers and administrators are making laws and rules that have their rationale in the religiously held belief that Majority makes Right; which makes the minority Wrong and in need of corrective measures. Human rights are being viewed through saffron tinted lens and are beginning to be found irrelevant to the cause of making India a HinduR nation. Which is so far away from hinduismp (a philosophy that says, in short – Think, and you’ll see), that given the curvature of space/time, it is meeting HinduismR (a faith that says, at length - Believe and We’ll tell you what you are seeing), from the other side. Given the muscular aggression of HinduismR and the essential live and let live attitudes of hinduismp, things are starting to bode.
Let me illustrate.
Word is that religious right-wingers, some in elected office, have ordered organizers of the Navratri (a nine night acknowledgment of Goddess Power) celebrations, to keep Muslim men out of venues that hold the Garba dances Garba dancing, for those of you who might be wondering, is a folk tradition involving energetic graceful choreography to driving rhythms, for the most part, although not exclusively, performed by young women. The edict, which in some places flaunts the imprimatur of Official Elected Satraps [OES], is the Saffron Satraps’ [SS], [talk about synergy], counter strategy to their belief that IslamR has initiated a Love Jihad as part of their war against HinduismR. It seems IslamR has tasked Muslim men with seducing HinduR women into marriage, conversion and Muslim baby production. The Garba dances, it seems, were to be targets of opportunity for the love jihadists, what with lithe bodies gyrating to driving rhythms and all.
And there you have it, a celebration of woman power; a decidedly hindup concept co-opted by the self serving paranoia of HinduismR.
Not that this comes as a surprise. Most, if not all, certainly all the so called Major Religions, take what start out as simple, graceful, caring philosophies, and distort them into grotesque self serving mechanisms of power; the original intent of amicable social contract and mediated compromise lost in the deluge of bombastic claims of salvation and truth; faith in higher power morphs into veneration of power.
The weird thing is that that some Islamist jihadists are going to think that a good plan and are, even as we speak, acquiring Hindu credentials and recharging their cell phone cameras.

I despair.

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