Sunday, February 15, 2015

Marital Modifications

Okay then, my name is, as you may have guessed, Undertoad, D Undertoad and I’m from San Diego which is in the southwest corner of Southern California, for the geographically challenged among you, just before the geography turns into Mexico. I’m neither tall nor blonde, and, to make matters considerably more confusing, I enunciate my consonants, fer sure, fer sure.
I used to be tall and blond. 6’4” of blond surfer flesh; riding the waves, flipping forelocks and all.
I am not now tall and not blond and not in San Diego
The tale of why I look the way I do and where I am is a sad one.
At least, I think so.
You might not.
I look the way I do now, because my wife… my ex-wife, had me altered. Tall blondness, she explained, later, after I came out of the anesthesia; she said tall and blond did not match her curtains, her bed spreads, the décor of ‘our’ (hah)  house. Turns out, her plastic surgeon was cheaper than getting the house re-done, or some such. I wasn’t really listening. All I know is that I had fallen asleep on the way to her plastic surgeon’s office – she’d said something about needing her super-structure tweaked and wanted me to accompany her – and dutiful husband that I am …was...  I did. Anyway, I fell asleep in the car. (Now that I think about it, that sandwich had tasted kinda funny.)  and when I woke, there I was, a bespoke, long haired leaping gnome, lean, mean and no-need for sunscreen; albeit quite  a bit shorter than I used to be. It seems She-whose voice-is-all-terrible. all 4’10” of her, had decreed that my 6’4” tallness was playing hob with her neck, all that craning upwards to glare at me was keeping her chiropractor in the high tax brackets. I’m not entirely sure how she convinced the surgeon to breach all medical ethics and…oh, wait… tweaked…superstructure damn, I thought that meant minor surgical procedure… and, as I now recall, the interior decorator had been gay. (Oh man, I wish I’d figured that out earlier, the divorce wouldn’t have been nearly as expensive.) Anyway...I don’t fully understand that neck strain business. I mean, I seem to remember spending most of my married life on my knees, especially when I was with She-who-must-be-obeyed. Oh okay, I kinda liked the dog collar and leather bra/thong outfit that she insisted I wear. but still…   And, I have to admit that the bed spread did look much better with me on it; my naked self, my brown, uptown, rampant self, in stunningly ginormous contrast to the pastels and delicate shapes that are, by state law, part of décor palette of the SoCal suburban housewi…domestic engineer. In Re: ginormous. I’m not entirely sure, my memory is a bit hazy on the issue, but, I think that some of my previous height, and girth, had been used to add some length and substance to parts of me I don’t recall being as fat or as long, or as dark. A pre-operative pink smallness is what I seem to remember. I imagine the present pigmentation was part of the overall process – where was I? Oh yes, naked rampant dark glory, which was in magnificent...that really is the only word... contrast to pastels...delicate SoCal shapes... Although, now that I think on it, I probably shouldn’t have had those photographs taken… turns out, photographs of rampant dark glories, no matter how aesthetically pleasing, can be used as evidence of moral turpitude in divorce proceedings. How was I to know that She, the devil’s advisor, would subpoena Uncle Ed of Uncle Ed’s Exotic Photography and Escort Service, who testified that I had paid the extra charge to have, Trixie, the photographer and her two lighting assistants, Bubbles and Candi, with an ‘I’ to be, um, dishabille, nude, sans clothing, naked.. (reverie) Hey! The guy at Uncle Ed’s assured me that that is how all the great models, the super models, did it, it’s called mood setting, among the pros.. I wanted the photos to be a tribute to what’s-her-name’s artistic eye. I mean, she’s the one who noticed the lean, mean, motoring machine that you see in front of you, under all those layers of tall blond SoCal-ness. I wanted her to know, in unequivocal terms, that she was right, dark chocolate is where it is at, much tastier.
Okay, all right, I’m kidding … there was only one assistant. Candi and she was a specialist lighting tech. For one thing she didn’t have any lights. As it was explained to me, she used the natural lighting to arrange the subject to best affect. She was good at her job too. I mean, when she was adjusting bits and pieces of me...that touch...soft...delicate...educated. Hey, she was just doing her job, ok? And I think it was unfair that stained bedcovers can be used as evidence. Okay, it was a large, one might even say copious, stain, but it would have dried soon enough.

Okay. None of that is true; except for the ginormous part. As we all know, what men are born with is what we have to live, and love, with. This might be a matter of some regret for some of us. Good night and thank you for listening.

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