Monday, February 6, 2017

Curmudgeonly Caviling

Subjects I think I could be writing about, that is up until I actually start writing about them.

1. Beckon call – Which is how it should be written. Beck and call? Seriously? What on earth is a beck? And how does it aid in the process of calling?
2. Liberal outrage on Nancy Pelosi’s reticence on calling for Trump’s impeachment. Could it be that she is concerned about who would take his place. That would be POTUS Pence; a concept that almost guarantees the demolition of that Church/State wall.
3. I’m thinking we, liberals that is, ought to quit dissing Trump. Rather we should treat him the way we might treat a tantrum throwing infant by placating him. Y’know, refer to how cute and clever he is while keeping all sharp objects out of his reach, sort of thing.
4. Senior citizen horniness and how discreet we have to be about it.
5. Unrequited love silver lining – protection from morning breath.
6. Folks who take pride in not speaking local languages. This one is rife with potential but I’ll be damned if I can put my ire into any semblance of coherence. I tend to splutter when confronted with  this
7. The education kids receive, have received, and probably will continue to receive; namely, being taught what rather than how to think.
8. Living life by habit and how very much that is antithetical to appreciating the fullness of the now.
9. Religion – &&*&*&(999!!!!!SOB%##& and so on
10. Cigarettes and my addiction. Why am I so entranced by putting round objects in my mouth and sucking on them? What is the real me trying to say and I wish it would shut up. Exploring the implications makes me a chicken hawk. Not a pretty picture.

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