Impeach Donald Trump. That had, and still has, a resonance to it that used to trigger my approach/avoidance conflict syndrome, which, as is well understood is not good for a soul already beset by the election of the Agent Orange President.
‘Cuz, y’know, impeach Trump and Pence slides into the chair, which effectively removes a whole bunch of bricks from that oh-so-necessary wall between Church and State. Do that and there would be no point to the United States of America. Freedom from Religion, (not to be confused with religion, aka faith), was the reason for being of the Mayflower bunch. Religion, the upper case type, is, as far as one can tell, a codification of morality and self-serving mores (mo-ray, I don’t know how to do that accent mark thing)...and I’ve just noticed that the pronunciation of that does suggest a lethal eel-like quality, a sort of not recommended for children under 10, use with caution sense...but, I digress. Codified morality and self-serving mores, which work on fears and retribution, got it.
Pence in the Oval Office, I used to think, would turn the US into the antithesis of democracy and dignity of man, aka, theocratic governance.
Then I noticed the 51-50 votes in the senate.
Then I realized that with the now Big Pee in the Oval Office the deadlock breaking VP vote would be considerably weakened.
Oh sure, another VP would be picked from the storm trooper brigade, but, the events surrounding Flynn and the whole Russia thing seems to be giving some of that brigade a spine, and Insha’Allah, some badly needed neural connections to the brain, bypassing their lizard brain responses, and resulting in some actual governance.
So, hells yes, impeach that graceless waste of skin, Trump.
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