Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Discerning the Dark

To monitors of net content. - the following is an allegory. there is not any intention to incite violence and/or assassination. just an attempt to teach my kid how to interpret shadow. I do so swear on the deity of your choice.

“We are staring too fixedly at the dark.”
He jumps up from behind his desk and starts pacing.
“You say things like that just to annoy me, don’t you?” She is sprawled inelegantly across the large comfortable couch that is under a wall mounted video screen .
He has stopped his pacing and has picked a wicked looking assault weapon from a table littered with what looks like a psychopath’s collection of killing tools, and is turning it over in his hands.
“What does that mean? That thing about the dark, what does that mean?”
She sounds petulant when she speaks; may even be playing with a strand of her hair, for all I know.
Manipulating a remote, the assault weapon dangling from one hand, He activates the video screen and an urban warfare depiction is illuminated, sort of, dark, somber desolation, flat light and fear, muted sights and sounds of laser weaponry in use, all of which Her doesn’t even deign to acknowledge involved as she is with her split ends. (yep, definitely playing with her hair)
He, gesturing towards the screen – “Watch and learn child.”
Her’s annoyance at being referred to as a child is evident, and strangely illustrative, in her body language as she flounces off one couch and on to another. She is able to watch the video screen and He at the same time.
The scene on the screen darkens into stygian hues of black, backlit by the sporadic laser fire in the distance. He is standing stock still except for his eyes that are rapidly scanning the now almost impenetrable blackness on the video screen, the weapon still dangling from his grip. Suddenly, in a smooth professional movement He brings the weapon to bear and in a series of rapid shots destroys a number of hitherto unseen enemies. He freezes the game.
He – “See?”
She – “No.”
He – “That’s because you are staring at the dark. The trick is to scan the dark; only way to spot the anomalies. Grab your keys, you drive.”
She, scrambling – “Where are we going?”
He – “We’ll figure it out on the way.”

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